Damiani Fine Foods Inc
202-2138 Madison Ave, Burnaby BC V5C 6T6
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Damiani Fine Foods Inc. is a family-owned and operated wholesale distribution company, specializing in award-winning high-end Italian food products. Borne from a desire to introduce western Canada to the authentic tastes of Italy while supporting the country’s small- and medium-sized food producers, Damiani is a labour of love for co-owners Fulvio and Marco Damiani, who value healthy eating and Italian culinary traditions in equal measure.

“We try to find products that are organic, natural and non-GMO, and we try to source from small to medium producers,” says Marco. “Most of our products are hand-made by producers who practice the philosophies of the Slow Food Movement. I personally live a very healthy, mostly organic, lifestyle, so that’s what I wanted the philosophy of our company to be.”

“We have very niche items and a lot of our product lines are new to western Canada or even North America,” says Marco. One such example is Bevivo— a drinking balsamic that’s the first of its kind in the world, and exclusive to Damiani Fine Foods in Canada. “It’s a beautiful product, made from Italian balsamic, apple cider vinegar and freshly pressed Amarena cherries or lemons.”

Constantly seeking out new products, Damiani Fine Foods includes brands such as Ritrovo Selections, Le Trifole, Quattrociocchi, Viola, Casina Rossa, Piazza Grande, and Pruneti among its offerings. Their luxury food products include handmade pastas, extra virgin olive oils, sauces, jellies balsamic vinegars, pate spreads and bulk olives.

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