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4 tips for maintaining a spa manicure

3 novembre 2015

Getting a spa manicure is a great way to make your hands look beautiful; however, spa manicures are not cheap and maintaining them can be difficult. Using your hands is unavoidable, but it can also result in chipped and damaged nails. If you get your nails done at a spa, here are four simple ways to maintain your manicure so it lasts as long as possible.

4 tips for maintaining a spa manicure

1. Ask for short nails

Some people love having long nails, but if you want to focus on maintaining your manicure, it's best to ask your manicurist to cut your nails short. By having short nails, you minimize the amount of contact the actual painted nail has with the world around you, which reduces the risk of dings and nicks.

Also, asking your manicurist to make your nails round will get rid of any corners that could result in chipped paint.

2. Add a top coat

Many companies make a clear top coat to protect the first few coasts of polish that was put on your nails. Your spa manicurist should put a coat of this on your nails at the spa. Try applying a round of top coat at home daily to repair the outermost layer of the nail and protect the polish beneath.

If you're not sure what kind of top coat to add on your own, ask your manicurist at the spa for a recommendation.

3. Drink lots of water

One of the worst things you can do for your nails is to become dehydrated.

  • To avoid nails breaking, peeling or becoming brittle, drink eight glasses of water per day. Staying hydrated can help keep your nails healthy and maximize the time between manicures.
  • Aim for the recommended eight eight-ounce glasses per day.

4. Bring your own polish

If you want to keep your manicure looking as fresh as possible for as long as possible, bring your own bottle of nail polish to the salon. By bringing your own, you will also have the nail polish at home with you to easily fix chips or touch up nail colour should something happen to it between manicures.

Store your polish in a cool, dark place, and it will stay in good shape to keep your manicures looking great for years to come. Spas sell high-quality nail polish in a range of colours, so ask your manicurist for their selection.

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