The first step of building a pole-frame house is planning the placement of the poles. Before you get started, here are some tips that should help you determine the best pole locations.
29 juillet 2015
The first step of building a pole-frame house is planning the placement of the poles. Before you get started, here are some tips that should help you determine the best pole locations.
Poles can be incorporated into the walls.
Where joists or rafters are continuous beams, they can cantilever (or extend) beyond the supporting poles by up to one half of the span between the poles, provided the wood is durable. Since the beams are subject to greater stresses they must be thicker.
Wherever pole-frame houses are built — on steep slopes, sandy dunes, flood plains or other difficult sites — a solid foundation is essential. There are two types of foundations that are suited to a pole-frame house. With both methods, minimal preparation is required. Not only is this economical, it also helps to reduce the impact of the building on its immediate environment.
The key to planning a professional pole house is the placement of the poles. These tips should help you make sure your pole house has the right amount of support.
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